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Yes, You Can Make Thick, Tasty Jam With Frozen Fruit

Jul 14, 2023

A lot of people think making homemade jam, requires several pounds of fresh fruit. However, while you can certainly do this if you want, it's far from mandatory. You can actually pick up a few packages of frozen fruit and use them to make tasty jam at home.

However, while it's definitely possible to make good jam from frozen fruit, there are a couple of tricks you must employ to do so. Otherwise, you run the risk of your jam being too runny and not setting properly. While the jam might still taste okay, it won't be the best choice for spreading on your bread.

If you're interested in making jam from frozen fruit yourself, here's what you need to know about the science behind getting it to set right. Plus, here are a couple of hacks for helping your frozen fruit jam taste delicious.

The reason why frozen fruit doesn't always make great jam is, of course, rooted in science. When you make jam, a chemical reaction takes place. Fruits contain something called pectins, which are the molecules responsible for making jam thick and gelatinous. When you boil fruits, the pectins are released, causing them to trap water in the fruit within a gel structure. In other words, the jam sets.

This chemical reaction takes place once your jam reaches a certain temperature. If you overheat or underheat the fruit, it won't set properly, which can lead to runny jam. On top of that, acids and sugar in your fruit also play an important role in helping your jam to set. So, if you're lacking enough pectins, acids, or sugar, you're also going to have problems getting your jam to firm up.

The trouble with frozen fruit is that it often contains lower amounts of pectins. This means that it can be harder for you to get your jam to set. Of course, there are a couple of tricks you can use to get around this, but in general, expect it to be a bit trickier to make thick, tasty jam when using frozen fruit.

Now that you know the science behind getting your jam to set, it's time to talk about how to make jam from frozen fruit. The first thing to think about is what kind of fruit you'll be using.

Some fruits, such as berries, contain more pectins than others. Even if you've frozen these fruits, the higher amounts of pectins can make it easier for your jam to set. Besides pectins, some fruits, such as citrus fruits, contain higher water content. These fruits can be much harder to turn into jam because of how much liquid they contain, leading your frozen fruits to become runny preserves.

Getting the type of fruit right isn't the only trick to making good jam from frozen fruit. You'll also need to keep your jam hot while cooking. The setting point for jam is 220.1 degrees Fahrenheit. Boil your jam to this temperature fast, then turn off the heat and allow the jam to continue cooking as it cools back down. This can help you set your jam without accidentally overcooking it.