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Fall Vegetable Gardening

Dec 01, 2023

PUBLISHED ON August 27, 2023

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. — Now that the cooler days of autumn are just around the corner, it’s time to plan and plant your fall vegetable garden. Even a small patch can yield fresh produce from the garden well into fall and even winter, which is not only healthy, it’s also fun and satisfying.

August is the time to get started, so here are some tips for planning and planting a fall vegetable garden now:

With these tips in mind, you can be harvesting produce from your garden long after the last tomato of the season. How about fresh greens from the garden on Thanksgiving?

–Annette MaCoy, Penn State Extension

STILLWATER, Okla. — For many gardeners, the summer months are the busiest of the growing season. There’s nothing quite like the taste of fresh-picked fruits and vegetables. Fortunately, harvesting garden-fresh produce can continue well into the fall. While still enjoying the bounty of the summer garden, gardeners should decide what they want to plant and […]

AUBURN, Ala. — This start-up guide is intended to help groups and organizations initiate and sustain an urban community garden. Why start a community garden? People living in cities look for ways to grow their own vegetables. Many want to save money on their grocery bills and/or desire the freshness and flavor associated with homegrown […]

ATHENS, Ga. — Whether you’re a home gardener or a production farmer, Georgia’s mild climate allows for a variety of fruits and vegetables to be grown throughout the entire year. However, with erratic weather events and broad temperature swings during the winter and early spring months, having a few cold protection resources on hand can […]

WASHINGTON — Many of the vegetables we grow in our gardens produce seeds, which, if harvested and stored correctly, have the potential to grace us with free plants. And late summer is the perfect time to start collecting them. A few notes: Make sure the plants from which you’re collecting seeds are heirloom, or open-pollinated, […]

ST. Paul, Minn. — Corn planting season is rapidly approaching. Consider the following to optimize corn stand establishment and get the crop off to a strong start. Uniform emergence Uniform emergence provides a foundation for maximizing corn yield. In a previous study in southwest Minnesota, corn plants that were one leaf stage behind their neighboring […]